
ROOT Care Package Newsletter 4/24

Dear Community,

Welcome to the first Reclaiming Our Own Time (ROOT) Care Package. You are receiving this inaugural edition because you are on the mailing list for Nexus Community Partners

This ROOT-specific newsletter focuses on rest practices, stories, and resources centering the Black, Indigenous, and people of Color experience. Two ROOT Care Packages could land in your inbox every quarter – only eight newsletters a year!  

Sign up to continue receiving these bi-quarterly care packages!


Rest is a deeply personal and yet communal endeavor. As we unpack the harmful narratives that have prevented us from restfulness, and we re-learn with each other ways to re-root in our culturally-centered rest practices, let’s keep reaching out to be reminded of this intergenerational, human, divine need.

If you are ready to join us, we are looking forward to seeing you at our first convening. ⬇️


If you enjoyed reading this Care Package from ROOT and want to engage in your rest journey, sign up for our newsletter to never miss our opportunities and resources!