
Take a Nature Walk with ROOT

Join us at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge near Old Cedar Bridge on Saturday, Oct. 5! We will go on a nature walk to observe how our plant relatives rest/hibernate in preparation for the winter season. Together, we will reflect on:

  • What we can learn from them
  • What their rest practices tell you about how you wish to rest
  • How we can stay connected to our plant relatives as we journey through rest

A light lunch will be provided. Space is limited to 20 people — please register at the link below!

Saturday, Oct. 5
10:30 a.m.

If registration is full and you’d like to be added to our waitlist, please email

ROOT (Reclaiming Our Own Time) community events are open to all BIPOC folks. These gatherings aim to confront oppressive systems that hold our rest, healing, and wellness captive. Together, we can shift from a production-centered mindset to one of liberation.