
It’s not just having a seat at the table, it’s having a vote.


“Here’s a challenge: Get people who traditionally lack power — the poor, immigrants, people of color, the disabled — into positions of power.

That’s the goal of Nexus Community Partners, a St. Paul-based nonprofit aiming to bring diverse voices with different perspectives to the tables of power around the Twin Cities.  “

Read more about our recently launched initiative in an article on MinnPost website here.

Join us for the BCLI Launch Event!

We invite all partners and community members to join us for the BCLI Launch Event on Thursday, October 10th at the Wellstone Center, where we will officially introduce our fellows and hear from a panel of long-time local social justice leaders on the historical context and significance of people of color and other underrepresented communities joining boards and commissions in the Twin Cities. Register now for the BCLI Launch Event.

When: Thursday, October 10, 2013, 5:30–8pm
Where: Wellstone Center,  179 Robie Street East, Saint Paul, MN 55107

Please contact the Program Associate, Ms. Angie Brown, if you have any questions or for more information at

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