Nexus 20th Anniversary
Celebrating 20 years of Nexus

Join us as we celebrate 20 years of defiantly building joy, abundance, and the future we deserve.

For over 20 years, Nexus Community Partners has built engaged and powerful communities of color so that each and every person can flourish in a joyful and abundant life. For this to be possible, we must usher out the rigged rules, attitudes, and practices that concentrate wealth and power in fewer and whiter hands, and usher in ways of living, working, and making decisions together that nourish communities for this generation and generations to come. 

Nexus is moving power and resources in ways that heal, inspire, and affirm our communities. Celebrate with us!

Throughout 2025, join us for a series of online learning and in-person celebrations of all that you have helped make possible as part of Nexus.

Our first event, Building Power through Bold Leadership, features our longest-running program: the Boards & Commissions Leadership Institute (BCLI).

For 12 years, BCLI has been helping community leaders build the skills and networks they need to create big policy change, from city-wide paid sick time to fighting housing discrimination.

Join us March 27, 10 am to noon CT, to hear from guest speakers on the scope and impact of BCLI. You’ll learn how this program will continue to shape how decisions are made throughout Minnesota—and walk away with the tools and relationships we need to navigate these times.

To celebrate 20 years of working together, we’re hosting events throughout 2025. Watch this space for more details!

  • Community Wealth Building: Thursday, June 5, 10am – 12pm
  • Open Road Fund: Thursday, Oct. 16, 10am – 12pm
  • ROOT (Reclaiming Our Own Time): Thursday, Nov. 13, 10am – 12pm

You are an integral part of our work. You have helped us build community wealth and leadership, and usher in the joyful and abundant future we all deserve. Thank you. Navigating the new administration and the uncertain future means we must take the long view and grow in new ways.

Join us in sustaining our work for the next 20 years and beyond—no matter what we face, we will face it together.

Learn about our work

Nexus’ programs nurture the relationships and community resilience we need to weather the volatility and uncertainty we are facing. Each Nexus program is a distinct, yet interconnected, piece of our organizational strategy. Join us as we return to restorative and nourishing ways of living, owning, and working!

ROOT is providing resources, support, and spaces for rest and restoration for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color movement leaders.

The Open Road Fund is returning money directly to Black folks so they can build something long-lasting for themselves, their families, and their communities.

The North Star Black Cooperative Fellowship is bringing together worker-owners of Black-led cooperatives to live into a future of Black wealth.

The Boards & Commissions Leadership Institute is equipping people historically shut-out from governing—Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), women, queer folks, disabled folks, low-wealth folks, and other historically marginalized and oppressed people—to serve on city, county, metro and state boards and commissions.

The Shared Ownership Center @ Nexus is changing the face of ownership through worker cooperatives, real estate investment cooperatives, and other shared ownership models.
