Comparing ESOPs and Co-ops

Worker Co-op is a type of business that is majority owned and controlled by it’s employee members.
Employee Stock Ownership Plan In an ESOP structure, a trust acquires some portion — sometimes all — of a company’s stock, and holds it for the benefit of employees.

Brooklyn Park Business Analysis

Increasingly, businesses are transitioning to employee ownership—where existing employees purchase the business and form a new employee-owned company. The strategy has proven to be good for business, workers and communities.

Impact Brief — May 2017

Wealth disparities across the country are at an all-time high, and in Minnesota growing racial and economic inequalities threaten our economic vitality.

Strengthening Local Economies

A 2015 report on how using a Community Wealth Building framework could help to address deeply rooted racial and economic disparities and create opportunities for local and equitable ownership and control of wealth.