ROOT (Reclaiming Our Own Time)

We are part of an ever-growing movement to provide resources, support, spaces for rest and restoration for Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color movement leaders.

ROOT Sabbatical Fund

The ROOT Sabbatical Program for Black, Indigenous, POC communities is in development! The program will officially launch in 2024. For the two years (2022-2023), Nexus is engaging people from various BIPOC communities to develop this program from the ground up.

We know that no one person or organization can develop this program alone. That is why we will be spending a full year carefully and thoughtfully engaging the community before the program even begins—and compensating folks for their time, expertise, and guidance.

Right now, we are starting with a vision—wellness, rest, and rejuvenation for BIPOC folks creating transformative change in their communities. The BIPOC folks leading this work must heal and rest to protect their well-being and bodies. But we know that oppressive systems can make it incredibly difficult.

We hope to make it easier. Supporting leaders to take the rest that they need not only helps them find new energy, vision, and insight, but also helps strengthen and build the capacity of organizations and movements.

Connect with the ROOT (Reclaiming Our Own Time).