ROOT (Reclaiming Our Own Time)

We are part of an ever-growing movement to provide resources, support, spaces for rest and restoration for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color movement leaders.

Reimagine Rest

At Nexus, we believe all people deserve joyful and abundant lives filled with the rest that our bodies, minds, and spirits need. Rest is not for the privileged few—it is a birthright for us all. 

The ROOT ecosystem is for BIPOC people to embrace rest and restoration as fundamental pieces of all work toward justice. Join us on this journey through our Reimagine Rest Event Series and our monthly email Care Packages.  

What is Reimagine Rest?

The Reimagine Rest Series (RRS) is people to come together in reflection to learn about and try out different rest practices. It’s an opportunity to consider rest in new ways through community gatherings, convenings and pop-up events.

Using nature as our teacher, we organize activities based on what the four seasons are telling us. Our events are free and open to all while centering BIPOC experiences.  

Past events include:  

Upcoming Events

  • Reimagine Rest Series: Nature Walk – Saturday, October 5th: Join us as we spend time with our plant relatives! We will take note of how our plant relatives prepare to rest for hibernation as we walk around. What can they teach us about rest? What can we implement in our own lives? Spots are limited to 20 people. Register Here!
  • Pop up Event: Fall 2024
  • Reimagine Rest Series: Rest Writing Workshop – Thursday, December 5th

Care Packages

Every month, we will share a care package centered around a particular topic to build and strengthen your rest practice. These care packages will include a curated list of resources, reflection questions, stories, and encouragement to deepen your rest practice. 

Subscribe to the Nexus newsletter to receive the monthly care packages in your inbox. 

Connect with the ROOT (Reclaiming Our Own Time).