Shared Ownership Center @ Nexus (SOC@N)

Changing the face of ownership by promoting worker cooperatives, real estate investment cooperatives, and other shared ownership models.

Worker-Ownership Transitions

85% of business owners have no succession plan.

Two-thirds of small businesses listed for sale never sell, and only 15% are passed on to family members. Acquisitions by larger firms or out-of-state buyers often lead to layoffs and restructuring.

But a local buyer may be closer than you think.

More and more owners are selling to those who know their business best — their employees. An employee buy-out gives you a competitive sales price, while securing a future for your legacy and the people who helped you build it.

Join over 7,000 employee-owned firms nationwide.


Happy Earth

Industry: Residential Cleaning
Employees: 20

“It’s a great chance to see hard-working people get the equity they deserve.”

Zach Dennis, Dispatcher


A Slice of New York

Industry: Restaurant
Employees: 3

“It has been incredibly rewarding to give our employees the opportunity to own their own business.”

Kirk Vartan, Co-owner


Select Machine

Industry: Machinery
Employees: 13

“These are our guys, our family, and we wanted them to keep on working.”

Bill Sagaser, Co-founder

What kind of companies are best suited to become employee-owned?


5+ Employees


Engaged Employees


Strong Market Future

Worker ownership creates new possibilities for you, your business, employees and community.


For sellers:

A competitive sales price
Tax benefits
Leave a legacy


For employees:

Shared risks and rewards
Increased investment in business
Greater net worth and job security


For business:

Less turnover
Improved longevity
Financial stability


For communities:

Builds wealth
Anchors jobs locally
Expands ownership opportunities

How long does the process take?

Between 12-18 months, depending on readiness, speed of decision-making, and complexity of the sale.

You don’t have to choose between people and profit.

Core Member

Local Partners

Minneapolis City of Lakes
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
MNCEO Minnesota Center for Employee Ownership

Connect with the Shared Ownership Center @ Nexus (SOC@N).