Shared Ownership Center @ Nexus (SOC@N)

Changing the face of ownership by promoting worker cooperatives, real estate investment cooperatives, and other shared ownership models.


As a sector, cooperatives are seeing new growth from leaders drawn to a model that is inclusive and employee centered by its very design. There are numerous challenges to starting any business; however, data suggests that instead of being additional work, a cooperative model can be the center of a sound business plan, by providing stability, lower start-up costs, and creating jobs that increase both worker engagement and benefits to the surrounding community.

What kinds of start-ups do we support?

Groups of committed entrepreneurial co-founders with:

  1. Fully drafted business plan
  2. 3+ co-founders, a majority of whom are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC)
  3. Location in Minnesota 

Are you the Leaders you have been waiting for?

Start-Up Cooperative Development Training available

Start-up cooperatives bring a wealth of advantages to you, your business, employees, and community


For the community

  • sustainable businesses in the community
  • engaged business owners
  • unique goods and services

For founders

  • A strong foundation for an engaged team
  • Sound business practices
  • An existing business community that supports cooperative development

“Honestly, we’re extremely grateful; Nexus has been extremely helpful. They helped us navigate the steps for starting our business. They helped with tools, on the technical side, and helped us understand it all. I would definitely recommend people to Nexus if they are building a business.”

Daniel del Toro, Future Builders

Because you will go further together

How We Can Help

We help cooperative entrepreneurs build democratically run businesses. We provide a variety of services to help you create your employee-owned business.

Step 1: Free consultation

Step 2: Intake and assessment

Step 3: Governance design process

Step 4: Fundraising strategies

Step 5: Legal and incorporation support

Step 6: Launch & COLAB services

The entire process typically takes 6 – 24 months. The actual length of time varies with each start-up and what stage of development it is in.

You don’t have to choose between people and profit

Local Partners

African Career Education and Resources (ACER), City of Saint Paul, Creative Enterprise Zone, East Side Area Business Association, Eastside Freedom Library, Hamline Midway Coalition

Connect with the Shared Ownership Center @ Nexus (SOC@N).